Faculty Profile

علی صادقی


تاریخ به‌روزرسانی: 1403/10/28

علی صادقی

فیزیک / فیزیک سامانه های پیچیده و زیستی

Articles Faculty

مقالات علمی چاپ شده در مجلات

  1. "On machine learnability of local contributions to interatomic potentials from density functional theory calculations"
    Mahboobeh Babaei, Ali Sadeghi
    Scientific Reports, Vol. 14, pp.31395-31395, 2024
  2. "Strain-induced high Chern number topological insulator state in Fe- or V-decorated MoS2 monolayers"
    Siyavash Moradi, Ali Sadeghi
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Vol. 109, 2024
  3. "Enhancing magnetoimpedance response by anisotropic surface-charge accumulation"
    Mohammad Zare, Loghman Jamilpanah, Ali Sadeghi, Majid Ghenaatshoar, Seyed Majid Mohseni
  4. "Role of electrospun fibers coated on magnetoimpedance effect of Co-based ribbons"
    Mohammad Zare, Loghman Jamilpanah, Vahid Barough Miandoab, Ali Sadeghi, Majid Ghenaatshoar, Seyed Majid Mohseni
  5. "Topolectrical Circuit Correspondence Design of Polyacetylene"
    Majid Reza Albooyeh, Ali Sadeghi, Seyed Majid Mohseni
    Scientific Reports, Vol. 13, 2023
  6. "Floquet states and optical conductivity of an irradiated two-dimensional topological insulator"
    Seyed sajad Dabiri, Hosein Cheraghchi, Ali Sadeghi
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Vol. 106, 2022
  7. "Robust broken-gap MoTe2/ZrS2 van der Waals heterostructure"
    S. Samaneh Ataei, Ali Sadeghi
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Vol. 106, 2022
  8. "Light-induced topological phases in thin films of magnetically doped topological insulators"
    Seyed sajad Dabiri, Hosein Cheraghchi, Ali Sadeghi
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Vol. 103, 2021
  9. "Near Fermi Superatom State Stabilized by Surface State Resonances in a Multiporous Molecular Network"
    Shigeki Kawai, Mohammad A. Kher-Elden, Ali Sadeghi, Zakaria M. Abd El-Fattah, Kewei Sun, Saika Izumi, Satoshi Minakata, Youhei Takeda, Jorge Lobo-Checa
    NANO LETTERS, Vol. 21, pp.6456-6462, 2021
  10. "Graphyne-3: a highly efficient candidate for separation of small gas molecules from gaseous mixtures"
    Khatereh Azizi, S. Mehdi Vaez Allaei, Arman Fathizadeh, Ali Sadeghi, Muhammad Sahimi
    Scientific Reports, Vol. 11, 2021
  11. "Enhancing mechanical properties of NbZrMo alloy by maximizing configurational entropy from first-principles calculations"
    Mehdi Rizvandi, Ali Sadeghi
    AIP Advances, Vol. 11, 2021
  12. "Competitive screening and band gap renormalization in n-type monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides"
    S. Samaneh Ataei, Ali Sadeghi
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Vol. 104, 2021
  13. "Magnetic anisotropy in Co/phosphorene heterostructure"
    S. Hamidreza Hoseyni, Kourosh Rahimi, Behrad Barakati, Ali Sadeghi, Seyed Majid Mohseni
  14. "Magnetoelastic coupling enabled tunability of magnon spin current generation in two-dimensional antiferromagnets"
    NASIMSADAT BAZAZZADEH, Mohamad Hamdi, Park S, Amin Khavasi, Seyed Majid Mohseni, Ali Sadeghi
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Vol. 104, 2021
  15. "Symmetry enhanced spin-Nernst effect in honeycomb antiferromagnetic transition metal trichalcogenide monolayers"
    NASIMSADAT BAZAZZADEH, Mohamad Hamdi, Fatemeh Haddadi, A. Khavasi, Ali Sadeghi, Seyed Majid Mohseni
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Vol. 103, 2021
  16. "Locality meets machine learning Excited and ground-state energy surfaces of large systems at the cost of small ones"
    Mahboobeh Babaei, Yavar Taghipour Azar, Ali Sadeghi
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Vol. 101, 2020
  17. "Partial commensuration and Amontons laws of friction adapted for large atomic interfaces"
    Behnaz Gholami, Ali Sadeghi, M. Etezadifar
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Vol. 99, 2019
  18. "A Langevin equation that governs the irregular stick-slip nano-scale friction"
    Mona Jannesar, Ali Sadeghi, Ernst Meyer, Reza Jafari
    Scientific Reports, Vol. 9, 2019
  19. "Electron Transmission through Coordinating Atoms Embedded in Metal-Organic Nanoporous Networks"
    Ignacio Piquero-Zulaica, Ali Sadeghi, Mohammad Kherelden, Muqing Hua, Jing Liu, Guowen Kuang, Linghao Yan, J. Enrique Ortega, Zakaria M. Abd El-Fattah, Behnam Azizi bashkhalaj, Nian Lin, Jorge Lobo-Checa
  20. "Atomic Friction: Anisotropy and Asymmetry Effects"
    Gregor Fessler, Ali Sadeghi, Thilo Glatzel, Stefan Goedecker, Ernst Meyer
    TRIBOLOGY LETTERS, Vol. 67, 2019
  21. "Controlled switching of a single CuPc molecule on Cu(111) at low temperature"
    Sweetlana Fremy-Koch, Ali Sadeghi, Rémy Pawlak, Shigeki Kawai, Alexis Baratoff, Stefan Goedecker, Ernst Meyer, Thilo Glatzel
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Vol. 100, 2019
  22. "Superlubricity controlled by the multiatomic nature of nanocontacts"
    Ali Sadeghi
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Vol. 98, 2018
  23. "Atomistic minimal model for estimating profile of electrodeposited nanopatterns"
    Somayeh Asgharpoor Hasankiyadeh, Ali Sadeghi
  24. "Multiscaling behavior of atomic-scale friction"
    Mona Jannesar, Tayeb Jamali, Ali Sadeghi, Seyed mohammad sadegh Movahed, G Fesler, E Meyer, B Khoshnevisan, Reza Jafari
    PHYSICAL REVIEW E, Vol. 95, pp.1-6, 2017
  25. "Precise engineering of quantum dot array coupling through their barrier widths"
    Ignacio Piquero-Zulaica, Jorge Lobo-Checa, Ali Sadeghi, Zakaria M. Abd El-Fattah, Chikahiko Mitsui, Toshihiro Okamoto, Rémy Pawlak, Tobias Meier, Andrés Arnau, J. Enrique Ortega, Jun Takeya, Stefan Goedecker, Ernst Meyer, Shigeki Kawai
    Nature Communications, Vol. 8, pp.1-6, 2017
  26. "Multiscaling behavior of atomic scale friction"
    Ali Sadeghi, Reza Jafari
    PHYSICAL REVIEW E, Vol. 95, 2017
  27. "Hydroxyl-Induced Partial Charge States of Single Porphyrins on Titania Rutile"
    Rémy Pawlak, Ali Sadeghi, Res Johr, Antoine Hinaut, Tobias Meier, Shigeki Kawai, Lukasz Zajac, Piotr Olszowski, Szymon Godlewski, Bartosz Such, Thilo Glatzel, Stefan Goedecker, Marek Szymonski, Ernst Meyer
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 121, pp.3607-3614, 2017
  28. "Organometallic Bonding in an Ullmann-Type On-Surface Chemical Reaction Studied by High-Resolution Atomic Force Microscopy"
    Shigeki Kawai, Ali Sadeghi, Toshihiro Okamoto, Chikahiko Mitsui, Rémy Pawlak, Tobias Meier, Jun Takeya, Stefan Goedecker, Ernst Meyer
    Small, Vol. 12, pp.5303-5311, 2016
  29. "A fingerprint based metric for measuring similarities of crystalline structures"
    Li Zhu, Maximilian Amsler, Tobias Fuhrer, Bastian Schaefer, Somayeh Faraji, Samare Rostami, S. Alireza Ghasemi, Ali Sadeghi, Migle Grauzinyte, Chris Wolverton, Stefan Goedecker
  30. "Chain-like structure elements in Ni40Ta60 metallic glasses observed by scanning tunneling microscopy"
    Rémy Pawlak, Laurent Marot, Ali Sadeghi, Shigeki Kawai, Thilo Glatzel, Peter Reimann, Stefan Goedecker, Hans-Joachim Güntherodt, Ernst Meyer
    Scientific Reports, Vol. 10, pp.1-8, 2015
  31. "Characterization of individual molecular adsorption geometries by atomic force microscopy Cu-TCPP on rutile TiO2 (110)"
    Res J?hr, Antoine Hinaut, Rémy Pawlak, Ali Sadeghi, Santanu Saha, Stefan Goedecker, Bartosz Such, Marek Szymonski, Ernst Meyer, Thilo Glatzel
  32. "Extended Halogen Bonding between Fully Fluorinated Aromatic Molecules"
    Shigeki Kawai, Ali Sadeghi, Feng Xu, Lifen Peng, Akihiro Orita, Junzo Otera, Stefan Goedecker, Ernst Meyer
    ACS Nano, Vol. 9, pp.2574-2583, 2015
  33. "Diffusion of fluorine on and between graphene layers"
    Ali Sadeghi, M. Neek-Amal, G. R. Berdiyorov, F. M. Peeters
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Vol. 91, 2015
  34. "Isomerism and Structural Fluxionality in the Au26 and Au26 Nanoclusters"
    Bastian Schaefer, Rhitankar Pal, Navneet S. Khetrapal, Maximilian Amsler, Ali Sadeghi, Volker Blum, Xiao Cheng Zeng, Stefan Goedecker, Lai-Sheng Wang
    ACS Nano, Vol. 8, pp.7413-7422, 2014
  35. "Unusual ultra-low-frequency fluctuations in freestanding graphene"
    P. Xu, M. Neek-Amal, S. D. Barber, J. K. Schoelz, M. L. Ackerman, P. M. Thibado, Ali Sadeghi, F. M. Peeters
    Nature Communications, Vol. 5, pp.1-7, 2014
  36. "Thermal mirror buckling in freestanding graphene locally controlled by scanning tunnelling microscopy"
    M. Neek-Amal, P. Xu, J.K. Schoelz, M.L. Ackerman, S.D. Barber, P.M. Thibado, Ali Sadeghi, F.M. Peeters
    Nature Communications, Vol. 5, pp.1-7, 2014
  37. "Energetic and vibrational analysis of hydrogenated silicon m-vacancies above saturation"
    S. Alireza Ghasemi, Thomas J. Lenosky, Maximilian Amsler, Ali Sadeghi, Luigi Genovese, Stefan Goedecker
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Vol. 90, 2014
  38. "Quantifying the atomic-level mechanics of single long physisorbed molecular chains"
    S. Kawai, M. Koch, E. Gnecco, Ali Sadeghi, R. Pawlak, T. Glatzel, J. Schwarz, S. Goedecker, S. Hecht, A. Baratoff, L. Grill, E. Meyer
  39. "Boron aggregation in the ground states of boron-carbon fullerenes"
    Stephan Mohr, Pascal Pochet, Maximilian Amsler, Bastian Schaefer, Ali Sadeghi, Luigi Genovese, Stefan Goedecker
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Vol. 89, 2014
  40. "Relation between the Dynamics of Glassy Clusters and Characteristic Features of their Energy Landscape"
    Sandip De, Bastian Schaefer, Ali Sadeghi, Michael Sicher, D.?G. Kanhere, Stefan Goedecker
  41. "Realization of free-standing silicene using bilayer graphene"
    M. Neek-Amal, Ali Sadeghi, G. R. Berdiyorov, F. M. Peeters
  42. "Electrostatic interactions with dielectric samples in scanning probe microscopies"
    Ali Sadeghi, Alexis Baratoff, Stefan Goedecker
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Vol. 88, 2013
  43. "Obtaining Detailed Structural Information about Supramolecular Systems on Surfaces by Combining High-Resolution Force Microscopy with ab Initio calculations"
    Shigeki Kawai, Ali Sadeghi, Xu Feng, Peng Lifen, Rémy Pawlak, Thilo Glatzel, Alexander Willand, Akihiro Orita, Junzo Otera, Stefan Goedecker, Ernst Meyer
    ACS Nano, Vol. 7, pp.9098-9105, 2013
  44. "Boron Nitride Monolayer A Strain-Tunable Nanosensor"
    M. Neek-Amal, J. Beheshtian, Ali Sadeghi, K. H. Michel, F. M. Peeters
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 117, pp.13261-13267, 2013
  45. "Metrics for measuring distances in configuration spaces"
    Ali Sadeghi, Alireza Ghasemi, Bastian Schaefer, Stephan Mohr, Markus Lill, Stefan Goedecker
  46. "Norm-conserving pseudopotentials with chemical accuracy compared to all-electron calculations"
    Alex Willand, Yaroslav O. Kvashnin, Luigi Genovese, Alvaro Vazquez-Mayagoitia, Arpan Krishna Deb, Ali Sadeghi, Thierry Deutsch, Stefan Goedecker
  47. "Multiscale approach for simulations of Kelvin probe force microscopy with atomic resolution"
    Ali Sadeghi, Alexis Baratoff, Alireza Ghasemi, Stefan Goedecker, Thilo Glatzel, Shigeki Kawai, Ernst Meyer
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Vol. 86, 2012
  48. "Induced polarization and electronic properties of carbon-doped boron nitride nanoribbons"
    J. Beheshtian, Ali Sadeghi, Mehdi Neekamal, K. H. Michel, F. M. Peeters
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Vol. 86, 2012
  49. "توصیفگر اتمی کولنی برای کاربست در یادگیری ماشین در ماده چگال"
    اکرم زرندی، علی صادقی
    پژوهش سیستم های بس ذره ای، نسخه 9، صفحات:135-144، 1398
  50. "تغییر فاز نیروی اصطکاک خشک بین دو سطح بلورین با نیروی عمودی"
    بهناز باباغلامی محمدآبادی، علی صادقی
    پژوهش فیزیک ایران، نسخه 19، صفحات:551-557، 1398

مقالات علمی ارائه شده در همایش‌ها

  1. "Trajectory Anisotropy of a Sliding Tip Induced by Apex Asymmetry"
    Ali Sadeghi
    Dissipation Mechanisms in Nano/Mesoscale Tribological Systems (smr 3713), pp.55-55, 2022
  2. "Experimental and Computational Band Gap of Cobalt Ferrite"
    Ali Faraji mohammad, Mahboubeh Houshiar, Ali Sadeghi
    8th International Conference on Nanostructures (ICNS8), pp.160-161, 2020
  3. "Shift of Core-Electron Energy Levels by Next Nearest Neighbors"
    Behnam Azizi bashkhalaj, Ali Sadeghi
    Theory Meets Experiment in Low-Dimensional Structures with Correlated Electrons, pp.26-26, 2019
  4. ""
    Somayeh Asgharpoor Hasankiyadeh, Ali Sadeghi
    23rd Annual IASBS Meeting on Condensed Matter Physics and School on Topological Phases of Matter, pp.28-28, 2017
  5. ""
    Elahe Tavassolinia, Ali Sadeghi
    23rd Annual IASBS Meeting on Condensed Matter Physics and School on Topological Phases of Matter, pp.17-17, 2017
  6. "Multi-Scale Approach to Simulations of Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy"
    Ali Sadeghi, Alireza Ghasemi, Stefan Goedecker, Alexis Baratoff, Thilo Glatzel, Ernst Meyer
    APS March Meeting 2012, 2012
  7. "کاهش نویز در تصاویر میکروسکوپ الکترونی روبشی با استفاده از شبکه عصبی رمزگذار خودکار"
    زهرا عرب، علی صادقی
    ششمین کنفرانس فیزیک محاسباتی ایران 1402، صفحات:193-196، 1402
  8. "اصطکاک در مقیاس اتمی"
    علی صادقی
    پنجمین همایش ملی و کارگاه های تخصصی علوم و فناوری نانو، 1400
  9. "نقش مولکول های آب در اصطکاک دولایه گرافن"
    سیدنیما حسینی چمنی، علی صادقی
    چهارمین کنفرانس فیزیک محاسباتی ایران، 1398
  10. "تلاقی جایگزیدگی و یادگیری ماشین در محاسبه کم هزینه سطوح انرژی پایه و برانگیخته"
    علی صادقی
    چهارمین کنفرانس فیزیک محاسباتی ایران، 1398
  11. "Controlled switching of a single CuPc molecule on Cu(111) at low temperature"
    S Fremy-Koch، علی صادقی، R Pawlak، S Kawai، A Baratoff، S Goedecker، E Meyer، T Glatzel
    گردهمایی سراسری فیزیک ایران 1398، صفحات:16-16، 1398
  12. "یادگیری ماشین در تقریب کارآمد سطوح انرژی حالت پایه و برانگیخته"
    محبوبه بابائی، علی صادقی
    کنفرانس فیزیک ایران 1398، صفحات:638-641، 1398
  13. "شکست تقارن در یک شبکه اسپینی با هامیلتونی سه تایی های جفت شده"
    مهدیه ابراهیمی، آرمین تابش، علی صادقی، رضا جعفری
    بیست و پنجمین گردهمایی فیزیک ماده چگال، 1398
  14. "ناهمسانگردی مغناطیسی در ساختارهای نامتجانس یک و دو لایه کبالت/ فسفرین"
    سیدحمیدرضا حسینی، محمد حمدی، فاطمه حدادی، کورش رحیمی، بهراد برکاتی، علی صادقی، سیدمجید محسنی ارمکی
    ششمین کنفرانس ملی پیشرفت های ابررسانایی و مغناطیس، صفحات:211-214، 1398
  15. "Superlubricity controlled by the multiatomic nature of nanocontacts"
    علی صادقی
    گردهمایی سراسری فیزیک ایران 1397، صفحات:39-39، 1397
  16. "Precise tuning of inter-dot tunnelling in a two-dimensional array of quantum-dots"
    علی صادقی
    بیست و پنجمین کنفرانس بهاره فیزیک، 1397
  17. "Imaging Noncovalent Bonds Overinterpretation Criticized by Simulations"
    علی صادقی
    Seventh Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Workshop، صفحات:1-1، 1396
  18. "Quantifying the Distances Between Atomic Configurations"
    علی صادقی
    ششمین کارگاه و سمینار شیمی نظری و محاسباتی، صفحات:1-1، 1395
  19. "مهندسی دقیق جفت شدگی آرایه نقاط کوانتمی با سد بین آنها"
    علی صادقی
    گردهمایی پاییزه انجمن فیزیک ایران، 1395
  20. "اندازه گیری فاصله ها در فضای پیکربندی مولکولها و جامدات"
    علی صادقی
    کنفرانس بهاره فیزیک پژوهشگاه دانشهای بنیادی 1395، صفحات:1-2، 1395
  21. "The lab on a tip a modelling perspective"
    علی صادقی
    بیست و یکمین گردهمایی فیزیک ماده چگال و مدرسه سیالات پیچیده، 1394
  22. "The lab on a tip a modelling perspective"
    علی صادقی
    بیست و یکمین گردهمایی فیزیک ماده چگال و مدرسه سیالات پیچیده، 1394